The great challenges posed to democracy today are the use of technology, data and automated systems in ways that threaten the rights of the American public. From unsafe healthcare algorithms to biased hiring decisions, the potential harm is well-documented. However,…
In a world brimming with technological marvels, Albert Einstein's profound statement, "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity," serves as a powerful reminder of the need to infuse our technological achievements with human values. In…
In the realm of web development, several trends are gaining momentum and are anticipated to have a significant impact in the coming years. It's important to understand and incorporate these trends to enhance user experience and stay ahead of the…
The imposter syndrome can be a significant obstacle in the journey of a software developer, but there are ways to overcome it and thrive in this field. Have you ever felt like you don’t belong in your role as a…
The journey of a software developer encompasses challenges, non-technical lessons, and valuable advice, highlighting the importance of managing complexity, fostering effective communication, embracing a growth mindset, and leveraging transferable skills for personal and professional growth. Software development, a field that…